Thursday, 12 July 2007


Damn vending machines!

It hadn’t happened to me in awhile, so I guess it only makes sense that my NutriGrain bar got stuck in the machine today. But the worst part is, it seemed I couldn’t wail on the machine hard enough to free the wrapper from its grasp.

At first I thought that the people watching me would barely take notice and walk away without a word, as is the British way. But one nice girl tried to enlist the help of a prissy British boy, who was hesitant to even give the thing a tap for fear of hurting himself because “Waaah, the machine’s so much bigger than me!” Um, hello? I guess if he’d seen me palming and side kicking the thing he might’ve been slightly ashamed.

I actually did palm strike and side kick the machine several times.

I felt a little better when two boys decidedly stronger than me (and therefore obviously stronger than the prissy British boy) teamed up and still failed to get the stupid NutriGrain bar out. I don’t even like NutriGrain bars that much, but I needed something to sustain me for later in the afternoon. It was just so profoundly disappointing that my TKD skills failed to solve a problem that I thought I’d never have to face again. I was so proud that time before an Econometrics exam when my tropical Skittles got stuck in the Q-level vending machine and I made it pay with a single palm strike. Those were the days...


Anonymous said...

I see in the UK the proud tradition of rocking the vending machine does not exist.

And yeah, get to a gym. Although I'm one to talk, I've lost a shitload of strength since leaving Hopkins.


Anonymous said...

Hey, can I spam your blog with useless business ventures too?


Brian said...

In the UK, they do not simply rock the vending machine. They employ the ancient martial arts of Korea to shatter its form and break its will. The British would use their own martial arts, but those are ineffective against vending machines because they are essentially techniques for exclusionary verbal snobbery.

I imagine this is why you needed the Nutrigrain bar so badly: